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About Rahu Ketu Jaap & Shanti

Performing puja for both Rahu and Ketu Puja simultaneously give numerous advantages to the devotee.
Rahu is considered to be a shadow planet and controls the emotions, excitements, alertness, intelligence, destination, psychology and materialism etc. It is believed that, when Rahu Graha is wrongly placed, it can create lots of misunderstanding, separations in family, negative thoughts, depressive thinking and other health issues. Its impact is deep and powerful. Therefore, in such conditions, performing Rahu Graha Shanti Jaap with the help of an experienced priest by chanting 18000 mantras of Rahu helps in getting the relief from all such issues, victory over enemies and get rid of the malefic effects. Pooja is followed with Hawan ritual wherein, Ghee and other sacred material related to Lord Rahu are offered to Agni to minimize the bad effects and maximize the benefits.
Similary, Ketu also is called a shadow planet, after Rahu, Ketu is the only corrupted planet whose effect is mostly negative. Ketu in 3rd, 10th, 11th and 12th house gives only some positive results. Ketu in fifth and eighth house gives very bad results. Ketu is the cause of fatal accidents, which gives physical disability. When Ketu is inauspicious in the horoscope, then its bad effect falls on our work, child happiness, marital life etc. Ketu Shanti. Therefore, in such conditions, performing Ketu Graha Shanti Jaap with the help of an experienced priest by chanting 17000 mantras of Ketu helps in getting the relief from all such issues.

Puja Ethics :

We are very religious minded people and are deeply bothered regarding the problems of our clients who place their precious trust on us for performing the pujas on their behalf so that they can get a desired result as per their expectations. These Pujas are performed by our learned and well experienced Brahmins/Pundits who have expertise in this line since they have been practicing it since a span of at least last two generations. All the pujas are performed exactly according to the guidelines prescribed by our ancient sages and our Vedic literature so that our clients can derive the maximum benefit of them.
All the pujas will be performed at Ahmedabad, India and the venue will be finalized by our purohits depending upon the type of Puja. The date is normally within 1 week of the receipt of the order unless it calls for a particular date either due to the customer’s choice or due to the type of Puja which requires to be performed on some specific Tithi (date according to the Hindu calendar) as per Vedic Shastras.