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About Navchandi Yagna

Navchandi yagna is a Nav Durga puja. This puja is to make wishes come true and also for health, wealth, strength. Also the prosperity, success and many other problems in the life. People get rid from all the sufferings by doing this Nav Chandi Yagna. This Yagna remove enemy and bad planetary consequence. By devoting this yagna man can get each success of life. Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Nav Grah and Nav durga blesses the devotee.
The Durga Saptashati text explains the female as the elementary creator of the Universe. The text explains her as tridevi, or the branches like the creator, Nurturer and destroyer. The hymns written in it are in the form of praises. Also the one who stays in every perishable being.

  • Firstly, People do the Navchandi Havan puja to fulfill all their desires.
  • Secondly, This puja authorize the worshiper to lead a healthy and long life.
  • Further, Doing the Navchandi Havan puja is for name fame and wealth.
  • Moreover, People do it as it is for getting the salvation.
  • Also it removes all sorts of malign planets ill- effects.
  • In addition People get the purity of Mind, body and soul from this puja. It also helps in making the environment pure and calm. They do Nav Chandi Puja to spread purity-mind, body and soul at the same- time environment.