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Pitru Dosh Puja

Pitra Dosh is a very important aspect in the Indian astrology and one should amend it as soon as possible without any delay. It generally occurs when the ancestors find it very hard to free themselves from the ties on earth and results in hardships. If the pitras are happy with the devotion, then they surely clear all the path to happiness as well as success.
Pitra Dosh Puja is performed by a person born under the ninth house where Sun and Rahu combine. If someone’s ancestors have not attained peace due to religious rituals at the time of death then this Dosha develops in the horoscope of the person.

  • If a person does good for the upliftment and peace of their ancestors then he is sure to seek many blessings.
  • It is also seen that if a person does pitra dosh pooja then it removes all the obstacles and problems from his path.
  • This pooja also provides with harmonious and cordial family relations and the family life becomes very smooth.
  • This puja also provides peace of mind and provides financial stability.
  • This pooja also helps to eradicate acute diseases and relief from bad effects of the malefic planets and cures any destruction.
  • It also protects the family from any evil energies and gives them the strength to overcome all the hurdles of their lives very easily.
  • This pooja is a very powerful tool to overcome the bad conditions. It also revives good fortune and positive energy all around.
  • This pooja is a very powerful tool to overcome the bad conditions. It also revives good fortune and positive energy all around.
  • According to the ancient text, Pitra Dosh occurs if any forefathers up to the 4th generation on the mother’s side had an early death.
  • This dosh also arises if the 7th generation on the father’s side had an unnatural death or expired at a very early age.
  • It is also very important to respect the parental desires of the ancestors and follow some good deeds.
  • If one does not follow this, then souls of the ancestors never rest in peace and become Pitra Dosh.
  • If a person does not perform pooja for their ancestors then he might suffer from the curse of “Pitra Dosh”.
  • Amavasya and Ashtami are generally the best days to perform the Pitru Dosh Niwaran.
  • Some people also perform this pooja on Pitru Paksha.
  • Moreover, this Pooja should take place on the last day of Pitra Paksha. Depending upon the Kundli of the person and consulting the expert this pooja should take place.