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About Graha Shanti Puja

The purpose of Graha Shanti Puja is to lessen the harmful effects of the malefic planets. It boosts a person's and a family's positive energies as they execute this puja. This puja is conducted for the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and the two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu, as well as for the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. They are referred to as the Navagrahas. At the Pandit's home, we remotely organise Graha Shanti Puja. We'll perform pooja on your name and gothra. You will receive pooja videos on WhatsApp and access to live streaming of the pooja. Pandit Bade Guruji a very seasoned priest who has been highlighted in The Times of India, will do the pooja.

  • Performed by a person whose planets or Grahas are in a bad position in their horoscope.
  • It is performed by a person who is facing problems or wants to improve an aspect of his life like wealth, health, profession, family, dream, marriage, etc.
  • People having severe Mangala Dosha or Sadesati also perform this Puja.
  • Helps drive away all the Graha doshas or negative energies of the person conducting the Puja.
  • Helps purify the surrounding of the house with holy vibes.
  • Increases the positive energies, health, and wealth of a person and also bestows the home with peace and prosperity.
  • Ensures to prevent any unfortunate events from taking place to the person or the family who conducts the Puja. It removes any obstacles that come in the life of a person and protects them from evil eyes.
  • The puja helps to get rid of all the negative energies of the person doing the pooja.
  • It also helps to purify the surroundings with holy vibes and also bestows the house with peace and prosperity.
  • It helps to remove all the obstacles that may come in the life of the couple and gives them protection from the evil eyes.
  • Another benefit of this puja is to ensure that there is no negative effect on your spouse’s planets on you.
  • Perform the Graha Shanti Puja on a special day or Muhurat to get the maximum benefits.
  • Derive the Muhurat of the person conducting the pooja in accordance with the position of the different planets in the horoscope.
  • The essential materials required for conducting the puja are – Haldi, Camphor, Sandalwood (Chandan), Lamps, Incense Stick (Agarbatti), Coconuts, Variety of Flowers, Rice, Betel Leaves, Sweets, Betel Nuts, Kumkum, Sesame Oils, Variety of Fruits, Milk, Honey, Yoghurt, Sugar, and Ghee.
  • Other requirements include Ganga Jal, Havan Samagri, Shankha, Red Thread, Durba Grass, Bowls, Plates, Navgraha Yantra and colours and flowers to decorate the Rangoli and the house.
  • It is preferable to keep a fast from dawn to dusk on the day of the Puja.
  • The priest performs the puja and the head of the family takes the Sankalp. He offers flowers, mango leaves, rice,
    and grain, and prays for the well-being of the house and all its members by chanting mantras and reciting all their names.
  • The Navgraha Mantra is chanted while the puja and Homam are performed. Worship the God of the planet that is weak.
    Conduct the Puja with full devotion and dedication.
  • Perform the Havan and worship the deity.
  • Donate foods and clothes. Distribute the Prasad to all members.
  • After the puja, dig a pit, place all the materials used in the puja and cover it.