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About Narasimha Yagna

he Hindu mythology has a tale of Narasimha’s origin. Lord Vishnu takes the form of Narasihma in his fourth incarnation. During the Satya Yuga, Sage Kashyap and one of his wife Diti had two sons – Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu. Hiranyaksha troubled the humans and the Devas alike. The humans and the Devas unable to take it any more prayed to Lord Vishnu to protect them. Lord Vishnu being the Preserver incarnated as a Boar to protect the humans and the Devas.
Narasimha AvatarVishnu kills the demon Hiranyaksha during his Varaha avatar. Hiranyaksha’s brother Hiranyakashipu wants to take revenge by destroying Lord Vishnu and his followers. He performs penance to please Brahma, the god of creation. Impressed by this act, Brahma offers him any thing he wants. Hiranyakashipu asks for a tricky boon. That he would not die either on earth or in space; nor in fire nor in water; neither during day nor at night; neither inside nor outside (of a home); nor by a human, animal or God; neither by inanimate nor by animate being. Brahma grants the boon. With virtually no fear of death he unleashes terror.

Narasimha Kavacha Stotra

Kavacha is a Sanskrit word meaning a Shield or Armour. Thus, this Kavacha Stotram is a prayer offered to the Lord by Prahlad for Protection. The Narasimha Kavacha Stotra is a powerful mantra from the Brahmanda Purana, formerly spoken by Prahlada Maharaja. It is said that one who chants this mantra is bestowed with all opulence and will be elevated to the heavenly planets. One should first meditate on the transcendental form of Lord Narasimha (as described in verses 3 to 6 of the stotra) and pray to Him for protection. The Narasimha Kavacha Stotra is the king of all mantras (mantra-raja).
Narasimha who is one of the most powerful manifestations of Lord Mahavishnu, (the protector in the Hindu Triad) is known to be fierce to fight and remove all that is evil and as a result protect all his devotees from every negative aspect of life. He is regarded as the embodiment of victory of good over evil.The literal meaning of Kavacha is armor or breast plate and In the same manner, the Narasimha Kavach act as a protective shield to safeguard the welfare of the devotees. The Narasimha Kavach has the divine ability to fulfill all the wishes,removes and protect from black magic,evil-eye,malefic effects of planets and is a cure to remove the negative impacts of all negative energies.

  • Vishnu Narasimha Kavacham is recited to remove the enemies and sins from one's life.
  • lord Narasimha Kavacham has sacred divine ability to fulfill all the wishes, removes malefic effects of planets/grahs dosha, black magic, evil-eye and remove the negative impacts.
  • The Narasimha Kavacha Stotra is a powerful mantra from the Brahmanda Purana, formerly spoken by Prahlada Maharaja. It is said that one who chants this mantra is bestowed with all opulence and will be elevated to the heavenly planets. One should first meditate on the transcendental form of Lord Narasimha (as described in verses 3 to 6 of the stotra) and pray to Him for protection. The Narasimha Kavacha Stotra is the king of all mantras (mantra-raja).
  • Narasimha who is one of the most powerful manifestations of Lord Mahavishnu, (the protector in the Hindu Triad) is known to be fierce to fight and remove all that is evil and as a result protect all his devotees from every negative aspect of life. He is regarded as the embodiment of victory of good over evil.The literal meaning of Kavacha is armor or breast plate and In the same manner, the Narasimha Kavach act as a protective shield to safeguard the welfare of the devotees. The Narasimha Kavach has the divine ability to fulfill all the wishes,removes and protect from black magic,evil-eye,malefic effects of planets and is a cure to remove the negative impacts of all negative energies.